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本文摘要:Elon Musk has said again that artificial intelligence could be humanity’s greatest existential threat, this time by starting a third world war.埃隆?马斯克再行一次警告称之为,人工智能或将沦为人类安危的威胁,这次他所指的是人工智能将不会引起第三次世界大战。

Elon Musk has said again that artificial intelligence could be humanity’s greatest existential threat, this time by starting a third world war.埃隆?马斯克再行一次警告称之为,人工智能或将沦为人类安危的威胁,这次他所指的是人工智能将不会引起第三次世界大战。The prospect clearly weighs heavily on Musk’s mind, since the SpaceX, Tesla and Boring Company chief tweeted at 2.33am Los Angeles time about how AI could lead to the end of the world.洛杉矶时间(9月4日)凌晨2时33分,SpaceX、特斯拉和Boring Company的CEO马斯克在推特上公开发表了关于人工智能或引起世界末日的言论,似乎他对这一前景深感十分忧虑。His fears were prompted by a statement from Vladimir Putin that “artificial intelligence is the future, not only for Russia, but for all humankind … It comes with colossal opportunities, but also threats that are difficult to predict. Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world.”俄罗斯总统普京曾在一场演说中说:“未来是归属于人工智能的,不仅是俄罗斯的,也是全人类的未来……这将带给极大的机遇,同时也有难以预测的威胁。

人工智能领域的领导者将沦为世界的领导者。”普京这一言论引发了马斯克对于人工智能的不安。China, Russia, soon all countries w strong computer science. Competition for AI superiority at national level most likely cause of WW3 imo.“中国、俄罗斯,所有国家都会发展壮大发展计算机科学。

在我看来,国家间对人工智能优势的争夺战,很有可能引起第三次世界大战。”In a series of tweets on Monday, the Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink and OpenAI co-founder wrote that artificial intelligence could be the eventual cause of the next world war.在9月4日公布的众多推特中,特斯拉、SpaceX 、Neuralink及OpenAI公司的牵头创始人马斯克回应,人工智能将沦为下一次世界大战的根源。May be initiated not by the country leaders, but one of the AIs, if it decides that a prepemptive strike is most probable path to victory.“(战争)有可能不是由某个国家的领导人发动,而是由人工智能发动的,只要它指出一场先发制人的压制最有可能带给胜利。

”Govts dont need to follow normal laws. They will obtain AI developed by companies at gunpoint, if necessary.“政府不必须遵循长时间法则,适当的话,他们不会拿着枪迫企业交还他们研发的AI技术。”Musk’s fear of AI warfare has been a driving force in his public statements for a long time. Last month, he was one of more than 100 signatories calling for a UN-led ban of lethal autonomous weapons.长久以来,马斯克对于人工智能发动战争的不安仍然是他在公共场合公开发表的言论的主论调。在8月,他与其他100多人公开信签订了一封建议信,敦促联合国禁令研发“机器人刺客”(能致人丧生的自动武器)。

“Once developed, lethal autonomous weapons will permit armed conflict to be fought at a scale greater than ever, and at timescales faster than humans can comprehend,” the letter read. “These can be weapons of terror, weapons that despots and terrorists use against innocent populations, and weapons hacked to behave in undesirable ways.信里写到:“机器人刺客一旦研发出来,将不会导致空前规模的武装冲突,其速度之慢也近超强人们所能解读的程度。这也许还不会变为恐怖行动的武器,专制者和恐怖分子用来对付无辜大众的武器,还有可能被黑客盗用来做到不法之事。

”“We do not have long to act. Once this Pandora’s box is opened, it will be hard to close.”“我们要赶快行动起来,潘多拉魔盒一旦关上,就很难通上。

