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来源: / 发布时间:2025-02-06 21:43:01 / 浏览次数:

本文摘要:I’m sorry to inform you that perhaps some robots are taking this whole “be more human” thing a bit too far. I’ve seen people make jokes about jumping into a river or out of a window when they feel distressed, but one DC-based security robot appears to have interpreted this on a literal level.很失望告诉他你,也许某些机器人对“更加人性化”这件事过分上当了。

I’m sorry to inform you that perhaps some robots are taking this whole “be more human” thing a bit too far. I’ve seen people make jokes about jumping into a river or out of a window when they feel distressed, but one DC-based security robot appears to have interpreted this on a literal level.很失望告诉他你,也许某些机器人对“更加人性化”这件事过分上当了。我见过有人伤痛时会打趣去跳河或坠楼,不过华盛顿特区的一个保安机器人或许真为按字面解读这句话。We don’t yet know the full story of what happened, but it appears the robot — a Knightscope K5 — ran itself right into a water fountain inside an office complex. No word on whether it survived its injury or why the incident occurred. Did it hate its job? Did it just overhear some horrifying news? Did it realize that the future is not, in fact, now?事情经过尚未可知,看起来是一个型号为Knightscope K5的机器人掉进了办公楼的喷水池里。

关于它否幸免于难,以及为何再次发生救起事件,还没具体消息。它喜欢自己的工作吗?还是说道它听见了一些可怕的消息?它是不是找到了只不过现在并不是未来?The K5 is evidently prone to making headlines about things falling over. Earlier this year, a drunk man was arrested for knocking the K5 over, though the robot wasn’t always at the victim end of the spectrum after tripping up a toddler and coldly driving away last summer. The K5 was created to be used as a security patrol robot, standing at five feet tall and weighing 300 pounds. Its rocket-like shape and armless design make it difficult for it to get back up after toppling over, but today’s fall straight into a fountain seems truly like an act of free will. I wouldn’t want your job either, K5. Live your truth.似乎,K5机器人轻轻松松就能上头条,而且总和跌倒有关。今年早些时候,一名醉酒男子因踢倒K5逮捕。



